> Self-Help > Candida

(Purest Colloids)

Contains: 250ml

(For a larger 500ml bottle Click Here)

Mesosilver is 0.9999 pure silver in colloidal form, a true silver colloid

• All natural mineral supplement in the form of nanoparticle colloidal silver.
• Highest particle surface area for maximum effectiveness. Up to 600 times greater than other products.
• No adverse side effects have ever been reported.
• Highest bioavailability of any colloidal silver product due to sub-nanometer size particles.
• True colloidal silver. Colloid means silver particles, not silver ions.
• Smallest silver nanoparticles whose diameter typically measure 0.65 nm or less.
• Highest nanoparticle concentration, 80% particles (typical). Others are only 10%
• Not ionic silver like other products claiming to be colloidal silver.
• High purity silver 0.9999. Beyond 4 nines is meaningless.
• No potentially dangerous protein additives (mild protein).
• Made using the highest purity, sterile reagent grade deionized water.
• Concentration: 20 ppm (minimum) total silver.
• MesoSilver is non-toxic.
• Does not interact or interfere with any medications.
• Mesosilver will not cause argyria, a discoloration of the skin caused by some forms of silver. Argyria is caused by silver protein products.
• Contains only pure water and pure silver.
• Highest particle surface area of any colloidal silver product available.
• Slight metallic taste is normal.
• Does not require refrigeration after opening.
• Infinite shelf life.
• Manufactured in an FDA registered facility.

A Brief History
For thousands of years silver has been used as a healing and anti-bacterial agent by civilizations throughout the world. Its medical, preservative and restorative powers can be traced as far back as the ancient Greek and Roman Empires. Long before the development of modern pharmaceuticals, silver was employed as a germicide and antibiotic.

Consider these interesting facts:

The Greeks used silver vessels to keep water and other liquids fresh.
The writings of Herodotus, the Greek philosopher and historian, date the use of silver to before the birth of Christ.
The Roman Empire stored wine in silver urns to prevent spoilage.
The use of silver is mentioned in ancient Egyptian writings.
In the Middle Ages, silverware protected the wealthy from the full brunt of the plague.

Before the advent of modern germicides and antibiotics, it was known that disease-causing pathogens could not survive in the presence of silver. Consequently, silver was used in dishware, drinking vessels and eating utensils.

In particular, the wealthy stored and ate their food from silver vessels to keep bacteria from growing.
The Chinese emperors and their courts ate with silver chopsticks.
Settlers in the Australian outback suspend silverware in their water tanks to retard spoilage.
Pioneers trekking across the American West found that if they placed silver or copper coins in their casks of drinking water, it kept the water safe from bacteria, algae, etc.

All along the frontier, silver dollars were put in milk to keep it fresh. Some of us remember our grandparents doing the same.
Silver leaf was used to combat infection in wounds sustained by troops during World War I.

Prior to the introduction of antibiotics, Colloidal Silver was used widely in hospitals and has been known as a bactericide for at least 1200 years.
In the early 1800s, doctors used silver sutures in surgical wounds with very successful results.

In Ayurvedic medicine, silver is used in small amounts as a tonic, elixir or rejuvenate agent for patients debilitated by age or disease.

Results show Colloidal Silver to be highly germicidal, yet harmless and non-toxic to humans. More importantly, research shows excellent results with an astonishing array of bacterial, viral and fungal conditions.

Some researchers, such as Dr. Leonard Keene Hirschberg, A.M., M.D. of Johns Hopkins, believe that the potential of colloidal silver is just beginning to be discovered. Unlike antibiotics, which are specific only to bacteria, Colloidal Silver disables certain enzymes needed by anaerobic bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and fungus resulting in the destruction of these enzymes. Further indication is that these bacteria cannot develop a resistance to silver, as they do with antibiotics, because silver attacks their food source, rather than them directly In fact, Colloidal Silver is experiencing a well-deserved resurgence in use and research, proving once again the old saying that "There's nothing new under the sun."